
Our Volunteer


Northland Christian Education System desires to create an environment where volunteers serve the school in the unique ways God designed them, bringing fulfillment to the worker, aid to the school, fellowship to the school community and glory to the Father in the process. To accomplish this goal, our school has organized a ministry called Volunteers in Partnership (VIP) to connect volunteers. The following teams are opportunities for involvement at NCS:

Banquet Team

Responsible for the planning, organizing, and execution of the annual fundraiser for the school, usually held in November.

Blazer Boosters

Collection of parents, grandparents, alumni, etc. who volunteer to support the activities of NCS-concessions, spirit wear, award banquets, etc.

Facilities Team

Assists with the maintenance of the school property inside and out. This team performs task necessary to create a positive first impression and a pleasant and functional environment for NCS.

Kitchen Team

Assists the school by designing and distributing the monthly lunch menu, coordinating lunch service to students, and assisting with other lunch duties as needed

Parent Teacher Fellowship

Provides a non-athletic based ministry that primarily serves the ECC and Elementary ages at all campuses. The PTF promotes and plans activities and is dedicated to bringing the school community together by hosting key events

Recess Support

Supports teachers during recess time by supervising children as they play.

Seasonal Spruce Up

Helps care for the grounds in peak times, assists in decorating the building for Christmas and other various seasonal tasks.

Staff Appreciation Team

Provides oversight for the events that recognize and encourage the staff (i.e. Staff Appreciation Week) and other events such as: staff luncheons, occasional staff events, support during Parent/Teacher conferences, and appreciation gifts throughout the year

Teacher Assistant/Classroom Support

Serves and assists teachers in the classroom by grading papers and making copies as needed to keep the classrooms functioning, as well as any other activities that will assist teachers

Apply to be a Northland Christian
volunteer today!